The workweek should be reduced with no reduction in pay. The federal and state minimum wage should be indexed to inflation. Congress should enact the Employee Free Choice Act and repeal the Taft Hartley Act. It should be easier to join a union. We should have equal pay for equal work. We need to overturn the right to work laws. We need to greatly expand green power. When unemployment exceeds 4 percent, we call for the federal government to invest in creating jobs through a WPA program. A WPA program would put people back to work and rebuild our infrastructure. An excess profits tax could be used to help fund WPA living wage jobs. This money could be used to help small businesses pay better wages. Public transit should be free to ride. We need consumer-owned and worker-owned businesses. Consumers should own the utilities. If we encourage these types of businesses through public policy, they will grow. Startup small businesses should be exempt from taxes and fees for the first five years.
Labor produces all the wealth. We need to mobilize people to oppose politicians who do not support the right to a living wage job. We need to educate people about the need for a living wage – with documentation on the wage rates necessary to make ends meet. We need to build a strong alternative to the Republican and Democratic parties so that we can be better represented.
This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by asej.